5 tips on living well from CEO Adrian Breen

  • February 7, 2022

The Bank of Missouri congratulates Adrian Breen on his 5-year work anniversary! Adrian serves as CEO and President at The Bank of Missouri.

From a quarterback on the football field to the CEO of the Bank, Adrian has had the unique opportunity to lead numerous teams. Adrian is passionate about people, especially developing and mentoring them. The most rewarding part of his career, he says, is watching people grow and become successful. He explains, living well and banking well go hand in hand.

“Banking is a part of life,” Adrian said. “People have life milestones: they open a savings account, take out a loan, get married, and buy things like a car, a house and a business. A banker can be an invaluable asset to them. That’s what I enjoy most about banking.”

As a husband, a father, a former athlete, and over his 30 plus years in banking, Adrian has learned a number of lessons. He shares 5 suggestions for living well.

1. Live your life in balance

Keep your life and priorities in balance. Faith/Family/Career. Easy to do in good times; more difficult during challenging times. Never look past the ones you love the most to appease those who want the most from you. Never make the easy short-term decisions that have long-term negative consequences.

2. Love what you do and do what you love

Life is too short to just go through the motions. Don’t waste a day or moment; tomorrow is not guaranteed. The days may seem long but the years fly by.

3. Never give up

Your life’s path is unique to you. All the heartbreak, disappointments, losses, challenges and victories transform into wisdom over time. You have the life you were born with and the life you make; your legacy is the life you make.

4. Be a continuous learner

Life changes, people change, technology changes. Evolve and keep pace with what it takes to be the person you want to be, to reach the goals you have and to make your dreams/vision reality. Never compromise your core convictions about who you are and what you stand for.

5. Don’t confuse education with intelligence

Education is important but EQ (emotional intelligence) is the secret to a full life. IQ without EQ does not make a good leader. EQ is a better indicator of success in the workplace and the most important attribute of a leader.

We applaud Adrian’s commitment to living and banking well.

Congratulations, Adrian, on your five year work anniversary at The Bank of Missouri.

Live Well, Bank Well